
The Evolution of Computer Generation – Full Information

The word computer has being derived from the word ‘computing’ which mainly involves counting. Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used In Technical and Educational Research” in short computer is a general purpose electronic device that is used to perform arithmetic and logical operations automatically.

Nowadays, with the advancement of computer technology, its use is increasing in the education system, research field, and technological field and even in our homes. However, today’s advanced computers have come to this stage through many evolution long ago, which we will discuss in detail today.

The Brief History of Computer Evolution

Stone Age people used pebbles or made scratch marks on the cave wall to count the number of cattle they had. Whenever a newborn was there, they added another pebble and when someone died they remove one. In this way they kept the record of their daily routine. Consequently they used their fingers for counting.

But the process was extremely slow and complicated so some new techniques were developed to assist in their daily work.

  • The ‘ABACUS’ probably is the oldest counting machine which was developed around 500 B.C. in China. It consists of a wooden frame with rods and columns of bead on them for counting. A crossbar usually separates the beads into two sections. By removing the beads one can make addition and subtractions. It is still used in China and Japan named ‘Soroban’.An adapted abacus, invented by Tim Cranmer, called a Cranmer Abacus is still commonly used by individuals who are blind.
  • The first device to help in multiplication and division was developed by a Scottish mathematician John Napier. Napier designed a system called ‘NAPIER’S BONES’, which was made in 1617 by ivory rods, which were etched in several numbers based on a table of logarithms. To multiply two numbers one has to simply add two numbers and get the result using the principles of logarithm.
  •  Next in 1642 a French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal made Pascal’s Adding Machine which was also called ‘PASCALINE’. It was the first calculator that could calculate automatically once a number was given. It was a mechanical calculator made with gears and wheels that could addition and subtractions in base 10.
  • Later on in 1671, the German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz developed Pascaline machine by studying Pascal’s original notes and drawings, which was also known as ‘LEIBNIZ’S STEP RECKONER’. This machine was able to calculate multiplications and divisions as well, along with large additions and subtractions.
  • In 1822 Charles Babbage, a professor of Cambridge University invented a machine, ‘DIFFERENCE ENGINE’ which was later used to produce astronomical tables for an observatory in Albany, New York.

Later in 1834, he invented the ‘ANALYTIC ENGINE’, which is considered to be the predecessor of today’s advanced computers. The basic concepts which were developed by Babbage are still the basis of today’s digital computers and for this reason he is known as “THE FATHER OF COMPUTERS”.

  And thus in human life computer gradually began to play an important role in our daily work.

ABACUS500 B.C.ChinaOne can do addition and subtraction.
NAPIER’S BONES1617John NapierOne can multiply two numbers using the logarithm formula.
PASCALINE1642Blaise PascalAddition and subtractions in base 10.  
LEIBNIZ’S STEP RECKONER1671G.W. Von LeibnizAddition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
DIFFERENCE ENGINE1822Charles BabbageAddition, subtraction, multiplication, division faster.
ANALYTIC ENGINE1834Charles BabbageConsidered to be the predecessor of today’s advanced computers.
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